YSU Gives Awards to Local Schools’ Teachers, Principals, and Supervisors

YSU Gives Awards to Local Schools’ Teachers, Principals, and Supervisors

In its 51st anniversary, YSU held a number of activities such as competitions for YSU students and teachers as well as competitions for school teachers, principals and supervisors in Yogyakarta who have made educational innovations within their institutions. The awards were also given to honour excellent writers of school textbooks.
The announcement of the winners and awards recepients was held at YSU main hall on Tuesday, May 19th 2015.
Prof. Dr. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd., M.A., YSU Rector gave his speech in the awards ceremony. “Congratulations to the winners. The university is also proud that we are able to produce teachers to teach in our schools” he said.
The winners for innovative school supervisors are Sutarta (Sleman Education Regional Office), Damarasih (Kulonprogo Education Regional Office) and Sudarmadi (Kulonprogo Education Regional Office). Innovative principals in this competition were Kasminingsih (Ngrukeman, Bantul Primary School), Lilik Mardiningsih (Tempel 3 Junior High School) and Basuki Jaka Purnama (Ngemplak 1 High School). The awards for textbooks writers were given to Aziz Fuadi (Minggir PGRI School for the Disable), Nurul Wasliyah (Bantul 2 School for the Disable), and Sudarmana (Bantul 2 School for the Disable).

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