Javanese Alphabets in Android


Dewi Anisa Istiqomah, a student of the Informatics Engineering Education Department, has developed a game of jumbled Javanese alphabets for android platform as one of the  Javanese Alphabets learning media for Elementary School Students, called SURAJA.

Under the supervision of Totok Sukardiyono, MT, she created an application to assist users in learning Javanese alphabet autonomously. Javanese Alphabets are parts of Javeneses Culture with symbols similar to Sanskrit and Thai alphabets. Historically, it has intended philosophical meaning for Javanese people.

“However, young people now, especially in Yogyakarta, are not really familiar with Javanese though Javanese is part of their identity. Moreover, in the class, they find it difficult to learn Javanese alphabets because of complicated forms and rules,” she explains.

The main menus of this android application are based on the core competencies of students to learn Javenese Alphabets and the elements of Javanese Wording. In the menu of Sinau, the users can play the game for learning the rules and forma such as Carakan, Pasangan, Sandangan, Angka, and Liyane.

Carakan is a page to learn Javenese alphabetical forms. If we touch an alphabet, it will make a sound as how it should be spoken and its color will change,” Dewi explains one of the menus.

In the application, the users does not only learn the alphabets but some aspects of Javanese culture such as parts of Javanese costumes and traditional musical instruments.

“Javanese Alphabets are among Indonesian precious cultural heritages to preserve. The way to preserve it is done by teaching it to young people with technology,” she said. (Febi)

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