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The academic circle of Yogyakarta State University received a visit from Kasetsart University, Thailand in a comparative study of curriculum development in the awareness of global competition (6/9) in the Main Courtroom of The Office of Rector. This visit consisted of 40 people from Kasetsart University from various faculties. With the signing of the MoU on December 17, 2012, YSU and Kasetsart University have a commitment to cooperation until December 17, 2017. This agreement provides an opportunity for the implementation of the exchange of education, student exchange and joint research. One manifestation of this cooperation is on August 27, 2016 until 13 September 2016, 10 students of the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FLA) Yogyakarta accompanied by one (1) supervisor, follow the Student Exchange Program Thailand 2016 at three universities in Thailand including Kasetsart University.

The event was opened with a welcome and presentation of YSU delivered by Vice Rector IV, Dr.rer.nat. Senam. In this presentation the Vice Rector IV took the focus of Yogyakarta as a city of education and culture, while advising the delegates from Thailand to visit the Borobudur and Prambanan.

The following agenda was a speech and presentation of Kasetsart University presented by Assoc.Prof.Dr.Lily Kaveeta as Acting Vice President for Academic Affairs. She explained that Kasetsart has a background in research in the field of agriculture. Their flagship products are of superior varieties of rice and Thailand cattle.

At the same occasion, The Vice Rector 1, Drs. Wardan Suyanto, M.A., Ed.D., invited the delegates to discuss the development of curricula. In his presentation etitled "Curriculum Development and University Management" in YSU, Vice Rector I explained the schemes of curriculum development and management line in Indonesia.

The delegates and academics of YSU then joined the group discussion divided into three, namely: group 1 Research and Cooperation; group 2 Economics, Management, Social; and group 3 Science, Engineering, Sports, moderated by the Head of the Office of International Affairs and Partnership, Dr. -ing. Satoto E. Nayono, M. Eng., M.Sc, Expert Staff to the Vice Rector IV, Endah Retnowati, M.Ed., Ph.D and the professors. (andre)