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FBS-Karangmalang. The Faculty of Languages and Arts is the only faculty in Yogyakarta State University that is involved in Indonesia Innovative Pedagogy (INDOPED) project. One of the events that helps the implementation of this pedagogy method has been taken place in the form of Innovation Camp, held in Kembang Arum village, Turi District, Sleman, on the 25th to 27th of November 2016. One day before the departure to the camp venue, November 24th 2016, the participants who are in their 1st and 3rd semester must join the Workshop on Innovation Camp in order to make them understand what were they about to do in the next three days at the camp. The workshop was conducted by Jesper Norskov and Susanne Ostergaard Olsen, the speakers from Bussines Academy Aarhus, Denmark, and the goal of the workshop was to help the students to understand the way of thinking in a more structured way by breaking the ideas into three zones, Yellow zone, Green zone, and Red zone. This kind of workshop was also held on the 23rd of November 2016 joined by the facilitators, the lecturers from the faculty, so that they could help the students solving the problem they accepted. The workshop was held in the Seminar Room of the Dance and Music Laboratory and it went well since the participants seemed to enjoy the problem solving process that the speakers gave to them.

There were 77 students joined the Innovation Camp who were separated into 12 teams containing students from each major in the faculty. They were assisted by the facilitators to solve the real problem existed in Depok regency about the solid waste problems in their houses and neighborhoods. The participants were asked to discuss and to find the innovative solutions of the problems given and there were three discussion phases assisted by the facilitators followed by presentation in each phase. Each team had to present their first discussion in front of the other participants and they could get some inputs and advices from the other participants too. There were two ideas they must choose from this phase to solve the problems given and these were then chosen by the committee to be the challange. In the second phase of discussion, they presented their thoughts of the chosen two ideas before and were given some feedbacks and inputs from the facilitators. Each team must have one final problem solver in the last phase of discussion which should be presented to the facilitators again and they must be confident of their final idea from this point. At last, they presented their final thoughts of the problem in front of the judges; they were Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. (the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Arts), Dr. Ing. Satoto E. Nayono, M.Eng., M.Sc. (the Head of the Office International Affairs and Partnerships), the representative of Depok regency, and the representatives of Borda (a Non-Governmental Organization concerns on environmental issues). There were three ideas chosen by the judges and were considered to be the best three ideas in this competition; they were Using the Solid Waste as the Learning Media, “Pejuang Uwuh”, and The Solid Waste Management through an Online Application.

The Innovation Camp’s participants said that they have got a lot of experiences through this event, for instance, they could find their communication skills developed since they had to express their thoughts on the discussion to the other fellow students from other majors and they were also able to widen their horizons by innovatively discuss the problems given to them. There was a bonfire party in the first night of their stay and this was the moment where they had to perform their talents by singing or dancing, so this agenda was able to bond them even tighter than before. The very important thing was that they could make new friends out of this event while they could enjoy the beautiful neighborhood in the village on their weekends. (yusuf/tria)