UNY Library Achieves “A” Accreditation

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The UNY Library has won accreditation A from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia, which is valid until December 9, 2026. This achievement is extraordinary because since UNY Library was established in 1964, it has never been accredited until 2020. In this accreditation, UNY managed to get a score of 96.50 based on meetings between reviewers and related officials. According to the Head of UNY Library, Prof. Sulis Triyono, this achievement is the highest score achievement compared to other university libraries.

The plan to apply for library accreditation met with many challenges. Library certification is considered troublesome and expensive. With a humanist approach, finally, efforts to apply for UNY library accreditation began to get support from librarians and academic staff. From all these criteria, UNY got an "A" score.

Prof. Sulis Triyono believes that the best acknowledgment of the library is from outside parties, not from internal campuses. For accreditation, the UNY library received an assessment related to collections, services, human resource development, infrastructure, finance, and management. UNY library currently has a collection of up to 230,000 titles of books and journals. All UNY Library collections already have barcodes and have applied Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) since 2019. RFID is a new coding system that allows borrowing books without manual recording. Students who borrow books will only need to put the book on the RFID machine. Currently, UNY Library needs “drop books” to support better library services.

Efforts to develop the quality of UNY's library cannot be separated from comprehensive data collecting. “It took us 7 full months to overcome the various shortcomings. For example, the old manual collection records have been successfully systemized digitally,” said Prof. Sulis. The impact of digitalization makes it easier for students to manage library-related matters such as library free letters.
The role of the library is very vital in supporting quality education. Students and lecturers who will complete their final project or write a scientific journal need the support of a superior library collection. Sulis informed that the UPT Library of UNY has subscribed to Scopus, which has 5500 publishers with more than 25,000 journal titles with millions of articles that can be downloaded for free. Hopefully, UNY Library will keep the subscription to the E-books and E-journal databases because the needs of lecturers and students are increasing, especially during the pandemic. The average visit to UNY Library is 2000 people per day. Still, during the exam period, it grew to 6000 people per day, even 8000 people per day at all libraries owned by UNY, namely the Central Library, Faculty Libraries, Postgraduate, LPPM, including UNY Libraries Wates and Gunungkidul Campus.

Dedy, Tj.Lak