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The vision of Yogyakarta State University (YSU) towards World Class Educational University can be realized with the support of internalization of all academic circle, including the students. In order to realize such support, in this year of 2016, YSU sends 8 of their students to join the international forum of Suranaree University of Technology (SUT) International Camps in Thailand from 19 until 25 June 2016.

The activity was divided into 2 agendas, namely; The 2nd International Martial-Arts dan Culture Camp: Muay Thai in which 3 of YSU students from the Sports Science Faculty will participate, and The 3rd International ASEAN Culture Camp: ISAAN Culture which will be joined by 5 of YSU students.

In order to prepare the students for the event, the Office of International Affairs and Partnerships (OIAP) YSU held a pre-departure training on Thursday and Friday, 16 – 17 June 2016 at the OIAP class room. There were 5 speakers from the OIAP who presented the materials. On the first day, Arumi Savitri Fatimaningrum, M.A. taught on how to build confidence and team work, meanwhile Retna Hidayah, Ph.D. delivered the material on air-porting, international flight and international rules of conduct. The next session was Cross Culture Understanding by the head of OIAP YSU, Dr.Ing Satoto E. Nayono, M.Eng., M.Sc.

Riswanda Nanda Pratama, student from the department of Public Administration, who became one of the participants of the Culture Camp stated that “I was so thrilled to represent YSU in this culture camp, we are preparing all that we can”.

On the second day, the training was delivered on the material of discussion and socialization in English by Lusi Nurhayati, M.Appl.Ling (TESOL), which was continued by Thai Language class and general information on Suranaree University of Thailand by Andre Iman Syafroni, M.A.

“For your performance, I advise you to play angklung. Meanwhile, for the costumes, it advised that you wear the traditional dress from different region, to represent the diversity of Indonesian culture”, said Lusi Nurhayati, M.Appl.Ling (TESOL). (Wulan)