Ega Ayu Wulandari successfully answered the challenges of university life amid financial limitations

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Ega Ayu Wulandari brought a smile of happiness to her parents, Sumaryanto and Peni Lestari. Ega successfully graduated from UNY's Indonesian Language and Literature Education study program with a GPA of 3.78.

"My parents' income, which is only enough to fulfill their daily needs, made me hesitate to go to college," said Ega.

"But fortunately, there is a KIP-College scholarship that can help my daughter's tuition fees. I am happy that Ega can finally study at UNY," said Sumaryanto, Ega's father.

Meanwhile, Peni Lestari, Ega's mother, stated that since childhood Ega had been interested in literature.  "Ega loves poetry and has even won competitions at the school level," she said.

During college, Ega was active in campus organizations, namely UNSTRAT and Limlarts UKM. During the 6th semester, she started to become a tutor teaching how to read, write, and count for children. She also taught elementary school children for all subjects with a door-to-door system to her students' homes. During her thesis period, Ega also worked as an honorary teacher at a private junior high school. In addition to earning extra money and filling his spare time, this job was the first step to achieving his goal as a teacher.

Ega's key to success during college is quite simple. "We must start working on every assignment in advance without waiting for the deadline. This trick helps me to manage my time because I am the type of learner who has to prioritize," she said.

Lia Ika Agustin and Vicky Sa'adah
Dedy, Tj.lak