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Under the theme “Earning Achievement, Devoting Self for the Country”, UNY students who are LPDP Scholarship awardee celebrate graduation and also welcoming for 2019 LPDP awardee. This event was held at GLB Building 3rd Floor on 22 August 2019.

Febrika Yogie Hermanto, S.Pd as the leader of LPDP awardee said that this activity were held as a gratitude for several LPDP awardee who graduate on time. This event were also held to welcome new LPDP Awardee in UNY. “ Alhamdulillah, we have many graduates and some under finishing process. We pray that everyone will graduate on time. Welcome to UNY for the new students,” Yogi said on his speech.

This event were also attended by Vice Director of Graduate School UNY, Dr. Sugito, MA.  He stated that LPDP awardees are qualified individual because not everyone get the chance to get the scholarship and study in UNY.  “LPDP awardee must be prepared to work hard, innovate and serve. You should inspire your friends to earn achievement, including (writing on) reputable publication,” he said.

This event has tumpeng for LPDP graduates and new LPDP awardees. “For LPDP awardee alumni, keep your work and service. If possible, please continue your study abroad. Our country has opened the chance for you,” Dr. Sugito, MA said. (Toba Sastrawan Manik / JK)