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“Earth is the only living place. If the earth is damaged, thereis no other place can replace it,” as Dr. Naning Pranoto, MA said while opening his dicussion on Workshop in Ecofeminism: Ecofeminist Literary Critisism.

The earth is the representation of a woman. Metaphorically speaking, there is no father earth, there is only mother earth. Naning Pranoto, the main speaker, often provides a stimulus to the participants that the earth is a mother that protect and feed all of the creatures on her lap, especially humans that take the most advantages of it. But, only a few human aware to take care of the earth.

Workshop in Ecofeminism: Ecofeminist Literary Critisism was held in Saturday, March 3rd in PLA Hall in the third floor. This workshop was held in response to the publication of the book entitled Ecofeminism: Ecofeminist Literary Critisism written by Dr. Wiyatmi, M.Hum together with Dr. Maman Suryaman and Esti Swatikasari, M.Hum. It was published on September 2017. “This book is the result of research grand competence funded by Directorate General of Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education in 2016.” As Dr. Wiyatmi, M.Hum, the head of study program, said on the preface of this book.

On this event, Dr. Maman Suryaman acted as a moderator, while Dr. Wiyatmi, M.Hum and Dra. Naning Pranoto, MA. Became main speakers. 120 participants, consist of lecturers, researchers, and students, filled the PLA hall. Those participants also be divided into several campus delegations, such as Yogyakarta State University, Gadjah Mada University, Sanata Dharma University, Ahmad Dahlan University, and Sebelas Maret University.

Prof. Dr. Suwardi Endraswara, the chair of Indonesian Literature Bachelor Community (Himpunan Sarjana Kesusatraan Indonesia) also came and gave his welcoming speech. On his speech, this professor of Local Language Department in Faculty of Language and Arts UNY, gave his appreciations to the author that the spread of ecofeminism in the form of research book is a new take for Indonesian literature, especially in the academic environment.

This event was conducted by the Hikom team UNY and Indonesian Literature Bachelor Community (Himpunan Sarjana Kesusatraan Indonesia) UNY commissariat. The participants who joined this event got a free book entitled Ecofeminism: Ecofeminist Literary Critisism published by Cantrik Pustaka. (Maw)