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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, through the Office of International Affairs and Cooperation (KUIK) held the closing ceremony of Darmasiswa Program, KNB, LN Credit Transfer and Credit Transfer LPTK DN 2018, Tuesday (5/5) at Auditorium.

Vice Rector IV, International Cooperation Division, Dr. rer.nat Senam said in his speech that the event was held to give a memento to international students who have finished study at UNY so that more meaningful. "Then also aims to introduce practical Indonesian culture to them so that they will have memories before international students return to their respective countries," said Senam.

Spoken by Senam, on the side-lines of the show that they with enthusiasm is not just watching the performance of other Indonesian cultural dishes, but also participate in the performance performances on stage. Simply because the foreign students who come from the continental hemisphere and a year of study at UNY, have special appeal to most audiences.
The students of Yunan Minzu University performed drama performances. They play very nicely. The costumes they wear are so varied. Besides unsightly, their clothes are typical of local wisdom of Yogya. On stage they use Indonesian. Quite smooth because it has been quite intensive exercise before the show. On the other hand, they also take Indonesian classes in the Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) UNY.

No less interesting appearance from Fontys University, Netherlands. With their graceful swings they brought jatilan. Ponorogo's typical dance mesmerized the audience. Tap a sign of appreciation then blaring in the auditorium. The Javanese gamelan accompanies the dance. The audience is also lulled to the rhythmic music that makes the foot stomping slowly.
In addition to Yunan and Fontys students, there is another university in China that also takes the BIPA program. The university is Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. The number of participants from China is less than 30 participants, while from the Netherlands only two people. Nevertheless, they are enthusiastic about learning Indonesian.

Senam hopes the stage is not the last time. He expects them to return again at UNY. Certainly the civitas academia UNY open wide straps of hospitality. In addition to advising international students, Senam also told students of domestic credit transfers, "I also congratulate them for having created a book entitled The Honey of Credit Transfer." (Rani)