PRA-KONASPI X 2022, For Better Education in the Future

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To welcome the implementation of the Indonesian National Education Convention (Konaspi) X, the leaders of 12 Educational Personnel Education Institutions (LPTK) united perceptions in the Pra-Konaspi X activity, which was held at UNY on Thursday-Saturday (29/9-1/10). In this Pra-Konaspi activity, the Vice-Rectors will finalize the grand scenario of the Konaspi activity.

Chairman of the LPTKNI Rector Forum, Prof. Ganefri, said that the number of students from the twelve LPTK universities attended was more than 500,000. This number confirms that Konaspi is an important activity. This activity is a gathering place for educational practitioners from educational institutions all over Indonesia. Based on the latest data, at the Konaspi event in Manado, there will be around 1500 participants who will share various experiences and problems faced by educational institutions and education staff.

Terminology of LPTK, according to the Law on Teachers and Lecturers, is a university with an educational study program. This means that universities with Faculty of Education are also LPTKs, which total of 43 universities in Indonesia. He revealed that there are more than 5000 educational study programs in Indonesia, but the challenge is that in the draft Law on National Education, LPTKs do not appear. However, after communicating with the Minister of Education and the Head of the Drafting Team for the Law regarding LPTKs, this will be included in Article 108 paragraph 3 which previously reads 'Professional Teacher Education is a State Universities' and will be added with the sentence 'Universities that have educational study programs. '. This position will be fought for in the draft not only for the teaching profession program but also for the educational study program and will also be one of the main topics in Konaspi. Ganefri also seeks to be able to invite the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology to attend Konaspi in October.

Manado State University as the organizer of the KONASPI X sees the importance of global collaboration to work together and think together about various recovery efforts that must be done. Therefore, Konaspi 2022 will be coupled with the Social and Technology Science International Conference on Education Post Covid-19 activities.

Anwar Effendi, Tj.Lak