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The determination of the result of State University Entrance Selection (SBMPTN) of 2018 was announced online on Tuesday (3/7). Central Committee of SBMPTN 2018 has set as many as 165,831 participants passed The number is the result of selection from 860,001 participants and have followed written test both Print Writing Exam (UTBC), and Computer Based Computer Writing Exam (UTBK) conducted nationally on May 8, 2018 and skills exams on 9 and / or 11 May 2018.

Based on the number of participants, the percentage of participants who passed SBMPTN 2018 amounted to 19.28% and will immediately register or re-registration as a new student candidate at 85 PTN.

As the details, the non-Bidikmisi group participants were received as many as 122,558 participants, and the potential participants of Bidikmisi received 43,273 participants. Then, based on the type of examination followed, the participants of the Printed Writing Exam (UTBC) were received as many as 160,778 participants, the Computer Based Computers (UTBK) Competitors received as many as 5,053 participants. Subsequently the details of the participants were accepted according to the exam group, ie the group received 68,033 participants, the Soshum group received 64,882 participants, and the mixed group received 32,616 participants.
UNY on SBMPTN 2018 received 1,992 participants. Vice Rector I UNY Margana said, applicants SBMPTN UNY 2018 as many as 63,615 people, while in 2017 as much as 57,571 or 10.5% increase. According to him, prospective students who received SBMPTN UNY must prepare the necessary documents for registration in UNY. "Observe and observe the announcement of the Rector of UNY regarding the registration steps and other activities through www.uny.ac.id page" Margana said "The data collection of UKT must be accurate and honest in accordance with the actual condition".

Head of UNY Admission Setya Raharja said the level of tightness study program in UNY still held by Management Faculty of Economics, with 4,661 people and only accepted 30 people. "Favorite favorite soshum is held by Management with an interest of 4,661 people and the favorite study program is held by Informatics Engineering Education with an interest of 2,014 people" he said. Setya inform for prospective students who have not received through the SBMPTN channel still have the opportunity to register UNY through the Selection Mandiri Exam Write (SM UTUL) and SM-SBMPTN. More information can contact the Office of the Admission Service, tel. 0274 548811 or 0274 586168 peswt 1887. Email: pmb@uny.ac.id. (Dedy)