Commission I Pelalawan Regency House of Representative Discusses Potential Cooperation with UNY

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“UNY is open to collaborating with various parties because UNY is committed to producing leading human resources through academic, professional, and vocational education. This collaboration is, of course, following the principles of equality and mutual benefit," said the technical team of the Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation Ari Iswanto, M.Or in a meeting with Commission I Pelalawan Regency House of Representative on February 15, 2022, at UNY. The Pelalawan delegation was led directly by the Head of Commission I Imustiar, S.IP accompanied by four members of Commission I and the Principal and Vice-Principal of SMAN 1 Pangkalan Kerinci.

UNY has collaborated with various regions to help design development, especially in education, namely through designing the Education Master Plan. Even UNY also manages the selection process for employees, teachers, or government officials because UNY has a Career Center, a recruitment team, and an exam test maker.

Imustiar said that 42 under-developed villages from the 118 villages in Pelawan Regency need teaching staff. "Therefore, Pelalawan Government has collaborated through undergraduate and postgraduate scholarship programs for 42 people," said Imustiar. Apart from cooperation in education, Pelalawan Regency is also ready to cooperate in the management of Village-Owned Enterprises and Urban Planning.

Prof. Anwar Efendi, as the PR, promotion, and commercialization Working Group hopes that UNY and Pelalawan Regency can immediately sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) as an umbrella for the activities of both parties. He believes it is possible to sign a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) and Implementation Arrangement (IA) for more technical and specific programs or activities. He revealed that the provision of a quota for prospective students can also be followed up through an affirmation program, where the Pelalawan Education Office carries out the selection process. 

Dedy, Tj.Lak