Cooperation between UNY and Kimia Farma - drug test for employees

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To prevent drug abuse and self-detection from drug use, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a drug test for lecturers and teaching staff. The drug test was held at the Health and Sport Center Building of UNY's Faculty of Sport Sciences on Thursday (19/10) and is an annual agenda attended by around 200 participants.

The drug test held by UNY collaborated with Kimia Farma and was accompanied by the National Narcotics Agency of Yogyakarta Province (BNNP DIY). Aulia Rahmi, Service Manager at Kimia Farma Clinical Laboratory, explained, "There are three stages in the drug test activity: the first is registration, the second is sample collection, and the third is screening."

The first stage is registration, where participants will fill out informed consent and questionnaires and then confirm the data filled in, after which they are given a urine collection site. Participants will go directly to the urine collection site to be submitted to Kimia Farma for Lab testing. During urine sampling, participants may not carry bags or otheritems to ensure that the samples taken are appropriate.

Ari Sutyasmanto, Young Expert Addiction Counselor of BNNP Yogyakarta explained, "The purpose of holding this drug test activity is an obligation from the president's instruction to realize a drug-free campus." During the mentoring of participants after urine sampling, screening was carried out to see the respondent's scoress regarding the risk of substance use and its impact on daily life. The things asked in the screening are related to the use of substances or drugs consumed. For prescribed substances or drugs, the screening test interview this time was not asked, but there were several thing. For example, there was the use of prescribed drugs, but the use was not following the designation. For example, it should be three times a day,, but used more than that, this also needs to be conveyed.

Thisdrug-testing activity also received positive responses from participants. Awali Ibbnu Wardaya, Lecturer of the Faculty of Engineering UNY, one of the drug test participants, said, "This activity is very good and has a positive impac as a form of prevention and early detection related to dangerous drugs and substances". Although a new lecture  had carried out the test sometime ago, Awali Ibbnu Wardaya was still enthusiastic about taking the drug test organized by UNY.

Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Resources, Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanto, M.Pd. said that this activity is an annual agenda of UNY as a form of UNY's commitment to a Drug Abuse-Free Campus. "The Ministry has instructed that civil servant, both lecturers and staff, be tested for drug content as a form of prevention and early detection of the use of drugs and substances that are not following their normative use". Regarding the participants tested, Prof. Edi explained that the participants were a sampling of all employees, both lecturers and staff, from all faculties and directorates in UNY. (Author: , Editor:

Yezia, Alifah
Prasetyo, Tj.Lak