Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY supports students to excel in various fields

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Asma' Khoirunnisa' from the Statistics Study Program became the first winner in the Selection of Outstanding Students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences UNY. This award is a form of appreciation for students who have made achievements in various fields at the faculty level. In addition, on this occasion, the faculty also gave awards to outstanding students at the department level. The students who received awards at the department level were Adellyazhara Ayu Larasati (Department of Mathematics Education), Muhammad Irfan Sutan (Department of Biology Education), M. Rizky Hadiningrat (Department of Physics Education), Dian Narmada Asri (Department of Chemistry Education), and Anik Ida W (Department of Sciences Education).

The faculty also released a team of students who will compete in ONMIPA-PT at the national level. ONMIPA-PT is a student-level competition that examines one of the fields of chemistry, physics, biology, and mathematics. The competition is organized by the Indonesian Talent Development Center (BPTI), National Achievement Center (Puspresnas), and Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

"Congratulations to the awardees and the UNY student team who will participate in ONMIPA-PT. I hope you continue to maintain your fighting spirit as well as the courage to develop and contribute positively to the institution and society," said Dr. Ali Mahmudi, Vice Dean for Academic, Student Affairs, and Alumni of FMIPA UNY.

Dedy, Tj.Lak