Ayu Larasati, Muhammad Akhdaan Al Ghozi, Nabila Nur Qoriyah, Faiz Miftahul Khoiri, Ahnaf Nabil Rusnarasyid, and Heilel Heielma Putri succeeded in creating a product called Fortan Eco-Enzyme. Fortan Eco-Enzyme is a plant formula that has a function to nourish and fertilize plants. This product is made from organic fruit peel waste mixed with brown sugar and fermented for 3 months, so it contains enzymes that are good for plants.
"We collaborate with Eco-Enzym House Yogyakarta. Fortan Eco-Enzyme consists of a package containing a spray bottle, 100 ml eco-enzyme liquid, and a measuring cup. We also provide instructions for use so that users can utilize this product effectively and practically," said Ayu Larasati, a UNY student who is the head of the Fortan Eco-Enzyme product development group.
Fortan Eco-Enzyme can nourish and fertilize plants, increase crop yields, and prevent plants from pests and diseases. Through this product, the team hopes to encourage effective, environmentally friendly, and sustainable agriculture.