Future Coach from UNY for Deaf Athlete

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Disability did not stop Wahyu Tri Wibowo's desire to complete a master's degree at the UNY Sports Coaching Education Study Program. Wahyu's willingness to graduate with his Masters in Sports Coaching Education at FIK UNY cannot be separated from his experience when he was a Deaflympics athlete in badminton. Wahyu has participated in the Deaflympics in Taiwan 2009 in Taiwan and managed to win third place and 2017 in Turkey, but has not won it.

For most people, athletes with hearing impairments are often treated as equal to ordinary people because they look the same physically. But in reality, athletes with hearing impairment require special treatment. For example, they cannot hear instructions from coaches, referees, or committee announcements. So there is a gap that they have to go through all this time. Therefore, Wahyu wants to change the paradigm and improve it so that Deaf athletes can get what they need so far. This problem prompted Wahyu to learn more about becoming a coach and implementing his knowledge for athletes with disabilities, especially the Deaf.

During his master's degree course, Wahyu was assisted by his friend, a volunteer for people with hearing impairments, as a translator during lectures or when Wahyu had to make a presentation. Wahyu is the first person with a disability to successfully graduate from the Master's Program at the Faculty of Sport Sciences  UNY. Currently, Wahyu is a Civil Servant who works at the Youth and Sports Education Office of Yogyakarta Province in Special Education work. 

PD, Tj.Lak