Supporting Local Batik in Kulonprogo with Digital Marketing

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Kanoman Village, Panjatan, Kulonprogo is one of the batik-producing villages. In this village, there is a batik business, 'Makmur Lestari', owned by Murjiyo, which produces three types of batik: printed batik, written batik, and combination batik. Murjiyo's batik is characterized by its classic wayang-style motif. UNY students consisting of Fathia Nur Adibah, Risqi Septiawan, Dhiva Raudatul Zanna, Elvaretta Dinky Auliannisa Zahra, Athya Zahra Sabrina, Dhea Wahyu Oktavia, Nanda Amalia Qhoirunisa, Kezia Refalina Enjang Rahaya and Diaz Fadilla Anggita Puspitasari wanted to help the marketing of Makmur Lestari Batik which had been using conventional promotion.

"Digitalization of marketing or digital marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to optimize the promotion of products or services using technology such as mobile phones or laptops and online platforms," said Fathia Nur Adibaha, Tuesday (23/5) in Kanoman. Digitalization of marketing of Batik Makmur Lestari products aims to reach a wider range of consumers and better product access by online platform users. Batik Makmur Lestari is already present with Instagram and e-commerce Shopee promotional media. Through this digitization, the UNY student team hopes to have an economic and cultural impact on the development of local batik products.

The owner of Batik Makmur Lestari, Murjiyo, is very supportive and happy with the initiative of UNY students. During his business, Murjiyo experienced several obstacles. One of the most influential obstacles is the COVID-19 Pandemic which has caused a decrease in the number of batik orders. However, this did not discourage him from making and producing batik for sale. According to him, there are five keys to running a sustainable batik business: the supply of tools, production space, motivation, interest in running a business, and batik talent that can be trained.

In implementing the digital marketing of Batik Makmur Lestari, KKN UNY students took photos and videos for marketing purposes and batik education. Murjiyo lent some of his batik collections to be used as models for making advertisements for his company.

Dedy, Tj.Lak