Quality Education

UNY Receives an Award from KONI UNY

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) received the "Best Student Sports Coaching College" award from KONI DIY this time. This award was given because UNY contributes the most to the sports field in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The award was given directly by the Deputy Governor of Yogyakarta, KGPAA Paku Alam X to the Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., on Saturday, February 11, 2023, at Grand Tjokro Yogyakarta Hotel.

Niteni, Niroake, Nambahi (Tri-N) Learning Model Development for Early Childhood Character

Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a coaching effort intended at children aged birth to six years old, with the goal of stimulating components of religious and moral values, cognitive, language, motoric, social emotional, and ert. Because early childhood is a time of emotional, social, and spiritual growth and development, the Strengthening Character Education program outlined in Presidential Regulation No. 78/2017 must be implemented in children from an early age. Character development in early life can help children learn how to regulate their emotions and interact with others.

Sharing With Daffa, The Student Studying at Daugavpils University, Latvia

The Office of International Affairs and Partnerships FMIPA Yogyakarta State University held Socialization of Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) 2023 and Sharing Awardee IISMA, recently online. Sharing experiences showing Daffa Muhammad Rifqi IISMA 2021 Awardee from Biology Study Program who studied in Daugavpils University, Latvia, for one semester.

Increasing IISMA Awardees, FISHIPOL UNY Holds Socialization

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Law (FISHIPOL) of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a socialization of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards or IISMA 2023 program on Saturday (4/2). This socialization is aimed for second, fourth, and sixth semester students at FISHIPOL in particular, and Yogyakarta State University students in general. The session began with a speech by Dr. Supardi, M.Pd., Vice Dean for Academic and Student Affairs at FISHIPOL UNY (support). The initial material presentation was made directly by Dr.

UNY to Facilitate Every Student of School of Sports Talent (SST) in Indonesia to Continue Their Studies in UNY

Taking place at the Ballroom of UNY Hotel on Wednesday the 8th of February, the Department of Academic and Student Affairs of UNY initiated a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) and the signing of the Further Study Cooperation for Students of School of Sports Talent (SST).

Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes., stated that the aim of this activity is to enhance collaboration between UNY and various SSTs in Indonesia.

Students of the Faculty of Health and Sport Science (FIKK) UNY join the International Educational Practice (PK) at UPSI Malaysia

One manifestation of the cooperation between UNY and UPSI Malaysia is the implementation of International Educational Practice (PK). UPSI Malaysia sent 33 students to teach in various UNY partner schools, while UNY sent 18 students from various faculties to teach at UPSI partner schools. Out of the 18 UNY students, 4 of them are FIKK UNY students, including Azriel Ardiansyah (Physical Education, Health, and Recreation), Riana Fauziah (Physical Education, Health, and Recreation), Rafi Fajar Susila (Sports Coaching Education), and Ilham Frimatara (Sports Coaching Education).

Students of Sociology Education Conducted A Fieldwork Lecture in Baduy Tribe

A Fieldwork Lecture is one of the required courses in Sociology Education Department Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. In this year, the Fieldwork Lecture was done by students of Sociology Education 2021 and accompanied by three lecturers. The lecturers are Datu Jawmiko S.Pd., M.A, Sasiana Gilar Apriantika S.Pd., M.A, and Dwi Agusitiana M.A. The activity that has been done recently has several destinations or places that will be visited by the students.

Cesupa Cake, a Delectable Breadfruit Cendol Pandan Cake. Made by UNY student.
international-office Tue, 02/07/2023 - 12:28

Breadfruit (a tropical fruit in Indonesia) is commonly consumed in Indonesia and has the potential to be developed into contemporary food products. This is due to the high nutritional value of breadfruit, and will be abundant during the harvest season. However, the community has not been able to cultivate it optimally. During the harvest season, A large amount of breadfruit is damaged and wasted because it is not cultivated or harvested properly. Those can affect the quality of the breadfruit including the fruit is bruised, the flash turns brown, and tastes bitter.

Monitoring of Education Affirmation Scholarship Receivers

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a monitoring and evaluation for the receivers of higher education affirmation scholarships (ADik) for the 2016-2021 generation in the Main Conference Room of the Rectorate, Friday (3/2). This activity was attended by more than 90 students who received affirmation scholarships spread across 44 study programs at UNY. Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of UNY Prof. Siswantoyo said that a number of strategic steps were taken for the scholarship recipients, including helping them to become excellent students.

UNY Towards Legal Entity Universities that Go International

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta’s International Office recently hosted a State Universities as Legal Entity (PTNBH) Internationalization Socialization at the UNY Hotel. It was attended by the Rector, Vice Rector, Vice Deans of Academic, Student, and Alumni Affairs, Vice Deans of Research, Cooperation, Information Systems, and Entrepreneurship, the UNY WCU Team, and the UUIK Team for each Faculty.