Quality Education

The American Government Supports Inclusive Learning for Students with Disabilities

Factors that cause an inclusive classroom environment include the diversity of intellectual and social levels of students who are not accommodated. Therefore lecturers provide space for a variety of student background abilities. Lecturers need to integrate previous student experiences in learning and accommodate the diversity of student abilities.

Watch Service, an Anti-Mainstream Business of UNY Students

Globalization, which encourages scientific advances and technological developments, especially information technology, has fostered an entrepreneur spirit and it is very important to grow in someone’s soul. Especially if the entrepreneur spirit is raised from an early age. Entrepreneurship has a very important role. With entrepreneurship being able to find new innovations and new ideas in managing the available natural resources, entrepreneurship is the process of developing and applying creativity and innovation in solving problems and being able to see opportunities to create a business.

The Important Role of Community Learning Activity Centers (PKBM) in Improving the Quality of Sustainable Village Human Resources

The UNY Department of Non-Formal Education, in collaboration with DPP FK PKBM Indonesia, successfully held a National Seminar with the theme "PKBM Builds Villages" on January 28, 2023. Present online as the keynote speaker were the Minister of Villages, PDT and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr. (HC) Drs. H. Abdul Halim Iskandar, M.Pd.

UNY Partnership with Belitung for Better Human Resources Quality

The Belitung Regency Government signed a joint agreement with Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) on Wednesday (25/1) in Sleman by Belitung Regent Sahani Saleh, S.Sos and UNY Rector Prof. Sumaryanto. "We have been waiting for a collaborative visit from Belitung Regency. Hopefully, we will get a positive result from the collaboration we will carry out with Belitung Regency," said the Rector of UNY.

Learn from Rachid Rafei about Science Learning in The Australian Curriculum

“Students find it difficult to understand abstract concepts full of scientific jargon. They must go through the process by practicing it so they have a solid understanding. We need to invite students to understand science in a real-life context," said Rachid Rafei, B.Sc., from Ossmoyne Senior High School, Perth, Australia, in a General Lecture in the Department of Biology Education UNY.

Shorten the Waiting Period to Get a Job for UNY Graduates through The MSIB Program

"The certified independent study and internship (MSIB) program is a bridge for students to prepare themselves to become professional practitioners, entrepreneurs, academics, or freelancers. Students must be prepared to face technological, socio-cultural, labor, and environmental challenges. Internship activities also open up opportunities for students to get a job offer before graduation," said Ria Aprilia, M.Psi. as MSIB manager. This session provided more overview of the MSIB Program(Internship and Certified Independent Study) and PMM Program (Independent Student Exchange).

Sex Education for Early Childhood through Animated Videos, Songs and Dance Movements

Cases of sexual harassment have recently increased and do not recognize age. Children who are not familiar with sex education are vulnerable to becoming victims of sexual violence. Sexual education is often considered taboo, especially for children. When children talk, ask about sex, parents tend to divert the topic of conversation to other things. In terms of mentioning the genitals, which are part of the body, sometimes referred to by other names.

Cooperation between the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Kazakhstan and UNY

The Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia has facilitated cooperation between UNY and 5 universities in Kazakhstan. The five universities are Suleyman Demirel University, Academy of Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, National Research Technical University, Al Faraby Kazakh National University and Turan Astana University. "Thank you to UNY for developing cooperation with Central Asia," said Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Indonesia to the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Tajikistan Dr.

Teacher Recruitment for Schools in Oil Palm Plantation Areas

PT Best Agro International, which is engaged in oil palm plantations, embraces UNY in meeting the needs of teachers for schools in Central Kalimantan. The recruitment was held at IKA Building of UNY, Thursday (12/1). According to the Secretary of the Directorate of Academic Affairs, Student Affairs and Alumni of UNY, Kristiyono, this collaboration is one of the activities in empowering UNY alumni in finding jobs. Recruitment was carried out online and offline, followed by a total of 36 people, of which 6 people followed it offline.