Studying Shorinji Kempo Training Model Based on Alor Dance, Charles Nyoman Wali Achieves Doctoral Degree

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The traditional dances of Alor, NTT, namely Lego-lego, Moka Nona, and Cakalele have the same basic movements as Shorinji kempo training techniques. Charles Nyoman Wali studied it further in his dissertation entitled Development of Shorinji Kempo Training Model Based on Local Dance of East Nusa Tenggara to Improve Basic Technical and Affective Skills of Kenshi 9-12 Years.

Charles presented the results of his dissertation in front of the Board of Examiners led by Prof. Dr. Wawan Sundawan Suherman, M.Ed., on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, at RSU GPLA 3rd Floor. The Main Examiner was also present online, Prof. Dr. drh. Maxs U. E. Sanam, M.Sc. who is the Rector of Nusa Cendana University, Kupang, NTT. The other Board of Examiners, including Prof. Dr. Dimyati, M.Si., Dr. Awan Hariono, M.Or., Co-Promoter Prof. Dr. Djoko Pekik Irianto, M.Kes., Promoter Prof. Dr. Suharjana, M.Kes. and Secretary Examiner Dr. Sigit Nugroho, M.Or. also examined the training techniques that have been researched and developed.

Furthermore, Charles explained that he develops culture-based research, educational habits and coaching using Research and Development (R&D) methods. Basic martial arts techniques can create athletes with good attitudes. The techniques developed are highly recommended for martial arts coaches. The training process cannot be separated when creating a training program for kenshi athletes 9-12 years old. However, the age level must be separated because the training techniques will differ.

The Shorinji Kempo training model affects kenshi or athletes 9-12 years old from affection or attitude. The first attitude that must be done is to salute; with the 3 NTT dances, it is mandatory to be barefoot and salute. A shift in norms has occurred, so this method was developed to maintain the affectionate aspects of the athletes. In addition, local wisdom values such as joy, enthusiasm, and cooperation are the spirit of the 3 local NTT dances.

The results of the Board of Examiners decided that Charles was able to maintain his dissertation well so that he was entitled to obtain a Doctor of Sports in the field of Sports Science with the title Cum Laude and a GPA of 3.98. Dr. Charles Nyoman Wali is the 5th Doctor from FIKK UNY and the Sports Science Doctoral Program with a study time of 25 months or 2 years, 1 month. His short-term dissemination plan is to publish an article and the long-term plan is to make a video to make it easier for children to replicate.

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