Sorghum is one of the cereal products that are widely grown in Indonesia. This type of cereal…

The traditional dances of Alor, NTT, namely Lego-lego, Moka Nona, and Cakalele have the same…

In 2023, the second time BIPA FBSB UNY was involved in assisting BIPA students from Yale…

In order to improve services at the Health and Sport Center (HSC) UNY, the HSC manager held a…

I am grateful to have smart friends in a rich region who can seize opportunities. Smart because…

A fashion trend is a style or a dress style that is most favored by the public. Fashion trends…

One of the things that determines the success of studies in the Masters Program is the…

"Education is an investment in civilization. It has become our passion to give quality education…

For the first time, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) elected the Chairperson and Secretary of…

Academic and Student Affairs initiated the Academic and Student Achievement Development Workshop…

Latifah Rachmalia Eko Basuki from the Early Childhood Education Study Program, Faculty of…

Dharmasraya Regency, West Sumatra, has established a collaboration with UNY. The memorandum of…

FOMUNY Goes to School (FGTS) is one of the work programs of the PR & Media division to…

"Officially, the debriefing of the community service program and educational practice for the…

One of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UNY’s professors, Prof. Dr. Nahiyah Jaidi…

The implementation of Merdeka Belajar (Freedom to Learn) can be carried out and interpreted with…

The faculty of education and psychology in collaboration with guidance and counseling (BK) IKIP…

Dr. Mustofa, M.Sc., a lecturer at UNY's Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), just graduated…

“To get more funds, we can apply ATM (Amati, Tiru, Modifikasi or Watch, Copy, Modify) approach.…

Universities in Saudi Arabia made a series of visits to Yogyakarta led by a delegation from the…

"As a retiree, we must always maintain our strength and health, especially at this age. That's…

Universitas Negeri Yogyakara (UNY) and PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) signed a Memorandum of…

A team of UNY students consisting of Yustina Rahma Sari, Linda Oktafianingsih, Brina Gamelisa,…

Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) UNY on Saturday, February 11, organized an activity "Study of…

Rector and the other executives of FIKK (Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences) UNY received a…

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) in collaboration with the Directorate of Resources of the…

Vice-Rector for Academic and Students' Affairs Prof. Siswantoyo accompanied by Vice-Rector for…

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) received the "Best Student Sports Coaching College" award…

Entrepreneurship is highly supported by the government these days. There are many ways to become…

Early Childhood Education (ECE) is a coaching effort intended at children aged birth to six…