Preventing Early-Age Marriage with Funarri Application

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The UNY student team consisting of Farah Nabila Nur Afifah (Educational Technology), Anggi Anggreini (Educational Technology), Dinda Rahmawati (Guidance and Counseling) and Nandini Rohmi (Mathematics Education) have successfully developed Fun Augmented Reality Early-Age Merried based on Augmented Reality (Funarri).

"Early marriage has negative impacts from health, psychological, economic, and social aspects. This phenomenon often occurs due to the low level of education that makes teenagers unaware of the various negative impacts of child marriage. Therefore, it is important to promote education, awareness, and accessibility to resources that support healthy and well-considered marriages. The right media for early adolescents is gadget-related media such as Augmented Reality-based because it can stimulate the mindset in thinking critically about problems and events that exist in everyday life," said Farah Nabila Nur Afifah on Wednesday, September 20, 2023.

"Funarri's pop-up book contains six materials, namely the definition of early marriage, factors that cause early marriage, various impacts such as health impacts, psychological impacts, educational impacts and the impact of household sustainability. In addition, there is also material on solutions to avoid early marriage, unhealthy dating / risky behavior, myths of early marriage facts and teenage relationships. It is hoped that Funarri can provide knowledge of the risks of early marriage so that prevention can be carried out, as well as provide educational information to prevent early marriage in the community," said Anggi Anggreini.

"The development of Funarri uses the ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development or Production, Implementation or Delivery and Evaluations), which is a model that involves development stages with five development steps/phases. The data analysis stage is carried out to find appropriate data for the material and media model given to early adolescents regarding the risks of early marriage," said Dinda Rahmawati.

Data analysis was carried out by collecting data on the number of early marriages in Yogyakarta at the Ministry of Religion, then conducting a material needs analysis by conducting interviews with the Latbang section at BKKBN Yogyakarta and conducting interviews with Counseling Guidance teachers and subjects to collect data on the media required by students and analyzing student needs by distributing questionnaires to students. The design of the Funarri print pop-up book consists of a cover design, the name of the drafting team, instructions for use, material content, a bibliography and a cover. After all designs are completed, they are continued with media expert validation and then printed into books.

"Making the Funarri Augmented Reality application using Unity version 2021.3.11f1. The team chose to create a canvas that fits the size of the Android screen where previously we had prepared to make additional features such as images, audio using video editing and video using the Powtoon application," said Nandini Rohmi.

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak