Sumbersari Village, Purworejo Regency, is one of the banana-producing villages. Currently, some…

UNY organizes morning exercises every Friday. The gymnastics are attended by the academic…

Salsabila Agustina, S.Stat, known as Bella, achieved a grade point average of 3.93 in the UNY…

Assist. Prof. Dr. Roseleena Anantanukulwong from the Faculty of Science Technology and…

UNY believes that education is an investment in civilization. This belief is what encourages UNY…

Rianty Purnamasari, M. Pd, did not have time to wear her graduation toga from UNY due to an…

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) received the UI Greenmetrics World University Ranking award…

UNY student team continues to promote healthy food products with many benefits. Finda Triarsa,…

The aloe vera plant is well-known as a plant that is useful for skin and hair health. However, a…

To support environmental sustainability, UNY continues to encourage the reduction of vehicles…

Plastic waste is one of the most alarming environmental problems. The amount of plastic waste…

UNY was awarded as a collaborator partner of the Social Innovation Week activity as a form of…

To prevent drug abuse and self-detection from drug use, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a…

"The fact is that learning to read is a complex process and does not happen by itself. Learning…

New UNY students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences attended the Student…

The UNY student team consisting of Farah Nabila Nur Afifah (Educational Technology), Anggi…

"Environmental preservation supported by local social and cultural values can create a…

Financial literacy is not just about numbers and equations. It is about building trust and…

"UNY is always ready to support youth programs. Through the collaboration between UNY and …

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) held an undergraduate graduation ceremony for the Bojonegoro…

Mochammad Zidane Nur Adha, a student of Automotive Engineering Education of UNY, was honored as…

Residents of Pinggir Village, Bantul Regency, received training on processing waste cooking oil…

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNY, Prof. Herman Dwi Surjono, Ph.D., on the sidelines of his…

"So far, we only eat watermelon partially, while its rind is thrown away as waste. The white…

UNY actively supports various efforts to cultivate the community both for achievement purposes…

Eight doctoral students of Technology and Vocational Education of UNY had the opportunity to…

The Bionic team of UNY students pioneered the development of Purwoharjo as an Eco-Edu Forest. "…

"I am excited to be active as a student because I have a strong desire to continue to spread…

Grouper fish farming has good prospects. But until now, farmers still face problems related to…

"Highly educated workers tend to be engaged in the formal, tertiary sector (trade and services)…