Strengthening the Relationship between UNY and the University of Poitiers: A Sustainable International Collaboratio

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The cooperation between Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) and the University of Poitiers, France, which began 10 years ago through the Erasmus program, continues to grow rapidly. The partnership began with the visit of Dr. Gerard Mauco, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs at the University of Poitiers, and his wife Christine Mauco, a music expert from the Conservatorium of Poitiers, to UNY. The meeting paved the way for the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and various collaborative programs that continue to be strengthened over time.

One of the results of this collaboration is various researches that involve the collaboration of researchers from both universities. In 2015-2016, a research entitled Developing The Music Thematic Teaching Model Based on Teaching Implementation in The Netherlands was conducted with researchers from Hogeschool Voor De Kunsten Utrecht and Utrecht University. The UNY research team, led by Prof. Dr. Kun Setyaning Astuti, M.Pd., together with Dr. Agus Widyantoro, M.Pd., collaborated with international researchers such as Dr. Marlene Belly from the University of Poitiers and Servaas Schreuders from Hoogesschool Voor De Kunsten Utrecht.

This collaboration continues with a research entitled Modification of Bloom Theory for Construct Music Competency Standard Based on Mapping in Indonesia, France, and the Netherlands which runs from 2018 to 2022. The UNY research team and international partners such as Prof. Dr. Wiel Veugelers from Utrecht, the Netherlands, and Prof. Dr. Ridwan Maulana from the University of Groningen were involved in the research that focused on mapping music competencies in three countries.

This academic collaboration also resulted in a number of prestigious scientific publications, including in the Scopus Q1 indexed journal, Harmonia, on the topic of comparing the development of music learning in Indonesia, the Netherlands, and France. In addition to research, other activities include Dr. Marlene Belly's active role as keynote speaker in seminars at UNY as well as guest lecturer in various programs at the university.

This year, the University of Poitiers expanded its collaboration by inviting Prof. Dr. Kun Setyaning Astuti from the Faculty of Language and Arts UNY to teach in the Music Education and Ethnomusicology study programs for two weeks. This is a valuable opportunity that not only strengthens the relationship between universities, but also enriches the academic experience of UNY lecturers in the international arena.

In addition to lecturers, students also benefit from this collaboration. One of them is Zahida Aine Hawwa, a student of UNY's French Education Department, who is currently studying History at the University of Poitiers for two semesters.

With various activities that have been and continue to take place, the partnership between UNY and the University of Poitiers is getting closer and has a positive impact on both parties, opening up greater opportunities for collaborative research, teaching, and academic development in the future.

Prof. Kun Setyaning Astuti