An uncle stands in at the UNY graduation ceremony of a niece killed in a car accident

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Rianty Purnamasari, M. Pd, did not have time to wear her graduation toga from UNY due to an accident and died on Saturday, September 30, 2023, in Riau. Her uncle Sumanto received the diploma on Saturday, December 2, 2023, at UNY Sports Hall.

"Initially, Rianty was picked up by her father, Supriyanto, at Sutan Syarif Kasim Airport in Riau. From the airport, they intended to pick up her sister at Pondok Gontor Putri 7 Pekan Baru and about 10 km before arriving home in Pangkalan Kasar City, Indragiri Hulu; the car had an accident with a car at 03.55," Sumanto said. Four passengers in the car died instantly, namely Rianty and her father, Supriyanto. Rianty's two younger siblings died after three days of hospitalization.

While studying at UNY, Rianty was an academically outstanding student. She had a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.93. She also managed to get A grades in 18 courses and A- grades in 5 courses.
