Improving the potential of Bugel community through training in making ready-to-eat chili sauce

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Based on data from the Kulon Progo Agriculture and Food Service Office, chili production from January to September 2023 reached 11,505.9 tons. The success of chili farmers in this area has further strengthened this region to become one of the suppliers of national chili needs. Based on the fact of the abundant chili production, UNY students consisting of Endah Rianingsih, Afgan Mabdanur Ramadhani, Marisdwika Salwacitra R.., Ubaedi, Ahmad Yusyrof Al Hakim, Andita Sekar Maharani, Mifta Eka Rahmawati, Aegil Sherly Nur Apriany, Aris Yudianto, Fadlah Muhammad Insan, Danang Kurniawan, Muhammad Awwab, Amanda Patrisia, M. Ghoitsun Niamul M. and Aulia Nyndita Wardani, conducted chili processing training for the Bugel community, Kulon Progo.

"Institutionally, the community already has a farmer group "Sindhunawa". This group has conducted many trainings to start and manage a successful agricultural business. We are interested in synergizing with Sindhunawa by processing the chili harvest into ready-to-consume chili sauce," said UNY student team leader Endah Rianingsih.

"Chili sauce can be processed into ready-to-eat food products that can be stored for 3-12 months at room temperature or cold temperature," said Amanda Patrisia. This advantage encouraged the team to carry out training on making chili sauce products that are marketable, high quality, and durable.  The chili sauce variants taught in this training consist of squid chili sauce, anchovy chili sauce, and onion chili sauce.

Sudaryono, Tj.lak