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Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd is elected as the Rector of the Yogyakarta State University period 2017-2021 through a closed voting session held in the Main Courtroom, Office of The Rector, Thursday (29/12).The assembly voting that was attended by 84 members of the YSU Senate, in which one person in the Senate was not present due to undergo pilgrimage, as well as the Secretary General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education  Prof. Ainun Naim, PhD., put Sutrisna Wibawa who is also a Professor of the Faculty of Languages and Arts as the new Rector for the period of 2017-2021. Sutrisna Wibawa managed to gain a victory with the acquisition of 77 votes to surpass the other two candidates, namely Prof. Dr. Djoko Pekik Irianto, M.Kes who obtained 34 votes and Dr. Haryanto, M.Pd who obtained 18 votes.

Chairman of the Election Committee Dr. Muh. Farozin, M.Pd said the election results will be sent to Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education on January 3, 2017 in order to be processed immediately, so that the inauguration of the rector can be done on March 22, 2017 in view of the time the current Rector is discharged on that date. Prof. Suparwoto, M. Pd as the chairman of the Implementation Committee Monitoring Team said that the committee has done its best for the smooth implementation of this task. "Communication of the organizer with various parties is very good, including Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education” said Prof. Suparwoto, M.Pd.

The elected Rector, Sutrisna Wibawa has proposed that YSU in 2019 will enter the high rank campus in the scope of ASEAN, "The year 2021, YSU is projected to be in the 1000 ranked university in the world" said Sutrisna Wibawa "Thus, the target of YSU to be World Class University in 2025 can be achieved". The Secretary General of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. Ainun Naim, Ph.D., hoped that the new rector can continue the ideals and programs run by the current rector for the better future. (dedy)