Reducing Gadget Addiction in Children with Traditional Games

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Annur Galeh Pamungkas, a student of Elementary-School Teacher Education of Physical Education at UNY, feels that the current level of gadget addiction in children is quite alarming. Childhood is a time for growth and development that should be filled with learning to socialize and play. For this reason, Galeh teaches children in Giwangan to learn traditional games, namely egrang batok (shell stilts), bakiak (clogs), and jumping rope. "This activity not only reduces the use of gadgets for children but also preserves traditional games, which are almost extinct due to the rise of digital games," said Galeh.

Eegrang batok are stilt games that use coconut or bamboo shells as a foothold and are given a hook to lift the legs. Children walk with the shell as a foothold when they play with the shell stilts. For the game of bakiak, as many as three or more people can play together. Children must step together for this longboard game to move forward. This game trains cohesiveness and teamwork. In comparison, the game of jumping rope is a traditional game that can teach body flexibility.

"I usually play gadget games at home until I get bored. Now my friends and I play together and can enjoy togetherness and fun together," said Elgan, one of the children who learned traditional games from Galeh.

“With activities like this, children's character education and noble values ​​will be easily accepted by playing. In addition, children have the freedom to be creative and expressive,” said Dr. Sigit Nugroho as Field Supervisor Lecturer. (

Dedy, Tj.Lak