Starting from fixing a bicycle chain, Priti successfully graduated from the Automotive Engineering Education Department of UNY

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Automotive is mainly perceived as a men's world. But that does not deter Priti from studying in the Automotive Engineering Education program at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). "I like to see my father working in the workshop. The first experience that I remember was when I was in elementary school. I could repair bicycle chains, both my own and my friends. Repairing motorcycle tires is an activity I often do," she said.  Since then, Priti often helps her father when customizing Harley Davidson or repairing cars. She enjoys her time diagnosing problems and finding solutions for vehicles that are in trouble.

"I still remember when I practiced welding. Many of my male friends thought I couldn't do it, and even my female friends thought I was the same as them who couldn't do welding. However, I easily completed both acetylene and electric welding jobs. This is because I am used to welding at home, even like repeating my practice at my vocational school," said Priti.

During the Covid pandemic, practical learning was still carried out by practicing on objects outside the campus. "Because I have a complete vehicle and workshop equipment at home, I don't find it challenging to do the task. However, some tasks require it to be done in a well-known workshop. At that time, I went to the Jogja DAB workshop to fulfill the vehicle body assignment, "she explained. There, the mechanics were also surprised that there were women in automotive. The workshop and employees were very open and welcomed her to learn. At first, the mechanics did not dare to give Priti a polishing tool to try. But after being convinced she could do it, Priti was allowed and started polishing the vehicle with good results. Priti also took the Competency Test to get a certificate. At that time, the test was in the field of drum and disc brakes with a time of 30 minutes. Finally, Priti got the certificate and was proven to be as skilled as male students.

In the 7th semester, Priti took Educational Practices at SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta and community service in Giwangan. Priti was in charge of the 11th and 12th-grade chassis course. "While I was teaching, students were sometimes even interested in why I was studying automotive. They were surprised and even suspected I had the wrong major, " Priti laughed. Some vocational school teachers suggested teaching there, but Priti wanted to continue her studies. The thesis was done in semester seven at the same time as taking data. Priti completed her thesis entitled 'Evaluation of the Industrial Class Program in the Automotive Engineering Expertise Program of SMK Negeri 2 Yogyakarta'. In early May, Priti was seconded to teach LKS and thank God the students won 1st place in Yogyakarta and 4th place in Yogyakarta Special Region province.

Priti successfully graduated with a GPA of 3.91 Cum Laude in only 3.5 years at the recent UNY graduation. "After this, I want to continue my master's degree in automotive engineering abroad with a scholarship, and I am currently struggling to fulfill the requirements," said Priti.

Sudaryono, Tj.Lak