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A total of 8 students of Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMNS, Yogyakarta State University (YSU) followed the credit transfer program in Thailand. There are two students of the department of Mathematics Education who study at Prince of Songkla University. While six other students study at Yala Rajabhat University. Three people are from the department of Biology, two are from the Biology Education department, and one person from the department of Physic Education.
On the farewell event held recently, the Dean of the Faculty, Dr. Hartono explained that the credit transfer began with a long process. It was formerly begun with each visit and followed up with Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). One of the contents of the MoU is holding the credit transfer program.

"The results of this credit transfer later, will be submitted to the Indonesian Directorate General of Higher Education (Dikti) so that the mark obtained during their lecture in Thailand is recognized by Dikti, so it will not be a loss", he said.
Furthermore, this is an opportunity for students to see what is in Thailand whose culture is similar to that of Malay, even the food is almost the same.

The cooperation for this credit transfer program actually began in 2015 when representatives from Yala Rajabhat University sent seven students to study at the FMS YSU. We are feeling content now that they send as many as 11 people to study here. Meanwhile, FMNS just started in this 2016 to send our students for college credit transfer there.

"In addition to learning in classroom, please also learn Thai culture which is a little bit different. Those things will certainly be a good memory, “the Dean added.

The first Vice Dean, Dr. Suyanta explained that after the successful cooperation of the student sit-in, we have to improve in the form of credit transfer courses. Please take courses that match your preference.
"We pioneered the credit transfer program for 2 years, and have built a shared commitment with universities in Thailand, for example by inviting each other at seminars", he explained.

In campus, Suyanta continued, students in Thailand wear a uniform. So our students can also wear alma mater suit. As for the language used in the classrooms, they use Thai and English. So in addition to English, please learn Thai language a little bit in order that the learning process goes much more smoothly. (witono)