Taking job opportunities through Career Expo UNY 2022

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The LPMPP Career and Certification Center of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held the UNY Career Expo at the UNY Auditorium on Wednesday-Thursday (28-29/9). A total of 30 companies open job vacancies for various levels of education, from high school to undergraduate. According to the Head of Certification and Career Center, Dr. Minta Harsana, this activity aims to bridge the world of business and industry as users of labor with the world of education as labor producers. "We carried out this activity for two days so that alumni and prospective alumni could vote, submit applications and even participate in the recruitment process carried out by the company," said Minta Harsana.

Minta Harsana targets the Career Expo to be visited by 3000 people during the two days of implementation by cooperating with 30 companies, including PT. Trakindo Utama, Gameloft Indonesia, PT. Ungaran Sari Garment, Cikal School and PT. Nasmoco. Head of DPP IKA UNY Prof. Suyanto said that if the company needed workers, they could come to UNY to choose the right one for the company. "The alumni of UNY are due to the culture of the people of Yogyakarta, so they have a low profile and affect the attitude of our graduates," said Suyanto.

The Rector of UNY, Prof. Sumaryanto, directly opened the Career Expo UNY 2022. The Rector welcomed this activity to provide an opportunity for alums to partner with companies. “We ask for input to establish the link and match between the world of education and industry. The input can be related to managerial skills or other abilities," said Sumaryanto. Parameters of outstanding alums are fast graduation, high GPA, work according to their competence, and short waiting period. In addition, alums must plan well their career to have a bright future.

One of the visitors to the career expo, Ivorizani, was happy with this career expo because it could make it easier to find work. The alumnus of the diploma Marketing Study Program, Faculty of Economics UNY, hopes this activity will be a regular event because it helps job seekers. "With a career expo like this, we can also broaden our horizons," he concluded. 

Ardi, Tj.Lak