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"Indonesia's development must start from the village and the main focus is on improving the quality of human resources and economic development of village," said the Minister of Villages of PDTT, Drs A. Halim Iskandar, M.Pd. some time ago when he was awarded an Honoris Causa Doctorate at UNY.

Likewise, the Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation of UNY, Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes. AIFO said, “in accordance with the tridharma of UNY, we have maintained some programs on education, research and publications and various community services. UNY is not an ivory tower. We build a water tower that can give life. The Ministry has 8 performance indicators for university. The campus produces science and technology, we pass it down and we regulate it for the people, so it is the right move for UNY to carry out various collaborations.”
One of the programs implemented by UNY on improving human resources is in the form of facilitation on the Selection for Filling the Regional Head Formation at the Village level. UNY has conducted this activity several times in several areas. On Monday (7/6), UNY had the opportunity to do this program in Grobogan. This activity is part of UNY support in implementing the MDGs points, especially in terms of strengthening strong institutions.

Through this selection activity, hopefully qualified human resources will be selected and able to accelerate development in the village. Thus, Indonesia's progress can be built starting from the village level. Qualified village official can be the key to the revival of community welfare post-pandemic, able to allocate the use of village funds effectively, support targeted health care for residents, provide an economic safety net for the poor and encourage further village economic revival.

Participants who took part in the selection of village officials are 454 participants. “There will be 138 positions to be filled, spread across various sub-districts/villages according to the vacant formations, including the Head of Planning, Finance, Administration and Law, Head of Head of Government, Welfare, Services, and Head of the Hamlet. Based on the number of participants, from Gabus sub-district there are 67 formations with are 188 participants; in Pulokulon sub-district there are 43 formations while there are 170 participants; while in the district of Tanggungharjo there are 28 formations with 93 people participated, "explained Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes.AIFO.

The Head of Sub-District of Gabus, Grobogan, Gogot Triyono when met while accompanying the selection of officers at SMA Negeri 1 Gabus hoped that the selection of village officials would run smoothly and selected qualified officials. Gogot Triyono said, “Hopefully the village apparatus screening process can run well and smoothly, honestly, transparently. We hope that by holding the test transparently, we will get a village official that is really good, and able to carry out the duties well in the future.”

Along with the Vice Rector for Planning and Cooperation, also present to monitor the implementation of the selection of officers at SMA Negeri 1 Gabus, Grobogan, namely the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, and the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni. Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanta, M.Pd. as the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance said he was satisfied with the implementation of this selection which had implemented the Health Protocol. "The arrangement of the place, the location is sufficient to meet the COVID-19 health protocol, not too close together and sufficient. Hopefully, this selection for village official will give the best the best for Gabus sub-district,” said Prof. Edi Purwanta.

sud, Tj.Lak