Quality Education

Enriching UNY students' soft skills through the Language and Culture Training Program
international-office Wed, 03/13/2024 - 15:14

"UNY students who will participate in internships abroad must become ambassadors of Indonesian culture and at the same time become the face of UNY internationally. Therefore, the candidates for this program must pass this language and culture training program. When you are abroad, you must be disciplined in your work, establish good communication, and behave well," said Prof. Siswantoyo as Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs in the "Launching of Japanese, German, and English Language and Culture Training Program" on March 13, 2024.

Improving traffic literacy for junior high school students with Minepolis Game
international-office Wed, 03/13/2024 - 15:09

"Indonesia is one of the countries with a high rate of traffic accidents, especially in the teenage age group. Along with the increasingly complex world of traffic and the development of technology, understanding, and skills in traffic become increasingly important to have. However, the learning process of traffic literacy is often considered uninteresting for students. Therefore, innovation is needed in learning methods that can make the learning process more interesting and effective," said Ardi Setyawardana.

UNY Forges New Educational Collaborations at APAIE Conference 2024

The Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Conference and Exhibition 2024, held from March 4th to 8th at the Perth Convention and Exhibition Center (PCEC) in Perth, Australia, witnessed the active participation of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). This annual event serves as a platform to promote and connect various higher education institutions. Over the years, APAIE has remained steadfast in its mission to unify international educators.

Ega Ayu Wulandari successfully answered the challenges of university life amid financial limitations
international-office Fri, 03/01/2024 - 14:44

Ega Ayu Wulandari brought a smile of happiness to her parents, Sumaryanto and Peni Lestari. Ega successfully graduated from UNY's Indonesian Language and Literature Education study program with a GPA of 3.78.

"My parents' income, which is only enough to fulfill their daily needs, made me hesitate to go to college," said Ega.

"But fortunately, there is a KIP-College scholarship that can help my daughter's tuition fees. I am happy that Ega can finally study at UNY," said Sumaryanto, Ega's father.

43 UNY students ready to join Batch II International Internship in Japan

UNY organized the Debriefing and Release of Students Participating in International Internship in Japan on Wednesday (29/2). A total of 43 students from 10 study programs will carry out internships in 7 companies, namely Watanabe Kogyo, Co., Ltd; Yokoyama Kenma Kogyo Co.; Yutaka Seisakusho, Co., Ltd.; Sagami Fresh Co,. Ltd.; Imazato Foods Co., Ltd.; Marco Foods Co., Ltd.; and Mutou Densetsu Kougyo, Co., Ltd. Since 2017, UNY has regularly sent students to Japan, to carry out internships for 6 months to 1 year, in industries that are relevant to the student's original study program.

Improving students' science literacy through learning media "My Digestive Board"

UNY students have the opportunity to improve literacy and numeracy in schools through the Teaching Campus program. One of the students who enjoyed this opportunity was Nita Prasyama Azhari, a science education student of UNY, who was assigned to SD Negeri Tlacap, Sleman.

UNY provides an opportunity to study scientific traditional medicare

Traditional medicine must be recognized as having a special place in Indonesian culture and tradition. However, learning traditional medicine in a structured and tested manner is not easy. Therefore, UNY through the Faculty of Vocational Studies officially opened the Diploma of Indonesian Traditional Medicine (PTI) program as an answer to the public's interest in learning and preserving Indonesian traditional medicine.

Improving the quality of Biology Education Master Program through LAMDIK Accreditation

UNY welcomes the visit of assessors from the Educational Self-Accreditation Institute (LAMDIK). The visit was conducted by Prof. Dr. Muslimin Ibrahim, M.Pd. (Universitas Nahdatul Ulama Surabaya) and Prof. Dr. Ainur Rofieq, M.Kes. (Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang).

"Our visit is part of the confirmation and clarification process of UNY's claim," said Prof. Dr. Muslimin Ibrahim.

Upgrading LSP UNY Competency Test Materials

The Professional Certification Institute (LSP) UNY held an Upgrading of Competency Test Materials (MUK) Version 2023 LSP UNY with the theme Improving the Quality and Relevance of Competencies, on Friday, February 16, 2024 at the UNY Hotel Ballroom. This event aims to update and improve the quality of competency test materials used in the certification process.

Navigating the Heights: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta's Workshop on Strategic Governance and Its Relevance to Times Higher Education (THE) Indicators

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta hosted a significant workshop on February 6, 2024, which addressed the strategic governance of higher education institutions. The program specifically aimed to enhance comprehension and maximize the effectiveness of Times Higher Education (THE) indicators. The event, which was attended by prominent authorities such as Vice-Rectors, Deans, Vice Deans, and other representatives from all levels of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, had the objective of exploring the intricacies of university ranking factors.