Are We Ready to Become "Farmers" of Indonesian Language and Literature?

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“Farmers” is a metaphorical word to describe academics, practitioners, or observers of Indonesian language and literature with whom they benefit ideologically, academically, or professionally. At least, we can earn six things from being a 'breeder' of language and literature. First, have an open attitude to new experiences, and dare to explore new experiences and alternatives regarding a situation. Second, flexibility in thinking and courage to choose various approaches to deal with and solve specific problems without neglecting the primary goal. Third, have a free attitude in expressing views and dare to form new possibilities based on an observed and lived object. Fourth, being able to empower imagination and dare to search for further alternatives based on imagination. Fifth, being able to respond to a failure as the emergence of new challenges and situations and hope to find a more comprehensive answer. Finally, don't hesitate to express your own opinion because the opinion of many people is not always synonymous with the truth. This notion was conveyed by Prof. Dr. Suminto A Sayuti, a speaker in the National Seminar and Alumni Gathering entitled "Indonesian Language and Literature as Creative Space" on Monday, June 20, 2022.

Dr. Ari Kusmiatun stated that there were nearly 300 participants in this seminar. Besides Prof. Dr. Suminto A Sayuti, this seminar also presented Prof. Dr. Maman Suryaman (Vice-Dean of Faculty of Languages and Arts UNY), Dr. Kastam Syamsi (Coordinator of Study Program Indonesian Language Education UNY), and Risda Nur Widia as a writer as well as an alumni of Master of Indonesian Language and Literature Education UNY who was successful in 'breeding' Indonesian language and literature.

"Come and join us to be successful in "breeding" language and literature in the Master's Program in Indonesian Language and Literature Education and the Indonesian Language Education Doctoral Program at UNY," concluded Dr. Kastam Syamsi at the closing of the seminar. 

el, Tj.Lak