Collaborative RPL Program Class at UNY in Asmat

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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) collaborated with the Asmat Regency Government and Musamus University to organize an advanced human resources education program for 199 students, consisting of 148 undergraduate students and 51 magister students. From Saturday to Monday (11-13/3), offline lectures and acceleration assistance for final assignments were held. The lectures and assistance were held at the Kesbangpol Hall and Wiyata Mandala Hall of the Asmat Regency Education Office, attended by 145 students from the Management-S2, Elementary School Teacher Education-S1, Early Childhood Education-S1, and Office Administration-S1 programs.

The opening ceremony was attended by the Head of the Education Office represented by the Secretary of the Asmat Regency Education Office, Robertus Kirwelakubun, S.Pd., and staff, while UNY was represented by the Vice-Rector for Research, Cooperation, Information System, and Business, Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum., M.A., and the Vice-Rector for General Affairs and Resources, Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanta, M.Pd, along with program coordinators, lecturers, and staff.

In his speech, Robertus Kirwelakubun welcomed everyone to the "Tanah Lumpur" and thanked UNY for its commitment to accompany Asmat. He also urged the students to be enthusiastic and serious in their studies at UNY. This activity was highly appreciated because usually only online meetings were possible due to various obstacles, but today it can be held offline.

Margana, in his speech, conveyed greetings from the UNY Rector to the Regent, the Head of the Education Office, and all their staff. "The purpose of this activity is to improve the quality of learning and accelerate the completion of final assignments through intensive assistance," he said. The opening ceremony was concluded with a group photo, followed by a public lecture by UNY resource persons. On the second day, the activities continued per program in each class guided by program coordinators and several lecturers.
In addition to the public lecture and final assignment assistance, the team also visited the Asmat Regent, Elisa Kambu, S.Sos. In the meeting, the Regent requested that the quality of lectures for teachers be maintained according to the established standards. "Don't make the lectures too easy, so that later on, when they graduate and become scholars, there is no difference," said Elisa Kambu.

Dr. Gunadi