Commitment is The Keyword for Establishment Holding Company

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“To get more funds, we can apply ATM (Amati, Tiru, Modifikasi or Watch, Copy, Modify) approach. We need to watch and listen to the presentation from the speakers as well as possible, copy with a modified suit to the condition of UNY.” Thus conveyed by Rector of UNY Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M. Kes. in order to provide and reinforce at the workshop on establishment of UNY Holding Company at Ballroom UNY Hotel, Monday (20/2).

In that chance, the Rector also said that UNY will increase expenditure of money in order to facilitate the professor that has material to compile a research journal and book reference. But the Rector also ordered that printing must use a printing press owned by UNY.

Besides that, “Lecturer as an entrepreneur, the most important is get a fast promotion and fast graduation in advance study,” said Prof. Sumaryanto alluding entrepreneurship that lecturer must do.

Workshop establishment UNY Holding Company presenting two speakers that are Dr. Ir. Naufal Mahfudz, M.M. (Director of PT Bogor Life Science and Technology Bogor) and Bambang Wicaksono, Director of PT UPI Edun Indonesia Bandung.

Naufal Mahfudz convey that PT Bogor Life Science and Technology Bogor have a mission to present and commercialize the best innovation and expertise of IPB University in order to create a more competitive and sustainable future for Indonesia's agricultural, marine and tropical bioscience industries; work closely together and in synergy with all IPB University institution and other domestic and foreign institutions and the process of presenting and commercialize the best innovation and expertise of IPB University; fostering entrepreneurship of young generation academics civitas and IPB University alumni also Indonesian society; giving financial benefit for IPB University to build Education institute that world-class; and giving award value and commercial appreciation for innovation and expertise of IPB University for welfare improvement.

“Cluster Business including food based, expertise based, finance based, property based, and science based, and corporate values are integrity, loyalty, one heart, and sincerity” said Naufal.

Meanwhile Bambang Wicaksono, Director of PT UPI Edun Indonesia Bandung conveys the metamorphosis analogy in starting a holding company, a dream if thought will become a plan, if a plan if spoken will become a commitment, a commitment if carried out will become reality.

The strategy in realizing a dream is important, how to do it by discussing first, targeting what will be achieved. Things that must be considered are working with integrity, loyalty, one heart, and sincerity, also being careful.

Present at the workshop were, Rector, Vice Rectors, Deans, Directors, Vice-Deans, Vice-Deans for RKSIU, Heads of Sub Directorate from Directorate of Cooperation, Information System, Innovation and Business, Head of KWU Labs and relevant staff. 
