Faculty of Social Sciences Builds Closer Partnerships through Research Day and Webinar on Featured Products.

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The Faculty of Social Sciences, UNY, seeks to strengthen collaborative networks through research days and webinars for superior products. Around 40 domestic partners attended this event. "This activity aims to provide a space for academic actualization and, at the same time, appreciate the achievements of lecturers. In addition, the Faculty of Social Sciences of UNY is committed to strengthening cooperation with partners through downstreaming outstanding products for each study program," said the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Cooperation, Dyah Kumalasari.

The presentation of these superior products received a positive response from partners. Sulistyo Handoko, Head of Research Sub Division of Bappeda City of Yogyakarta welcomed the excellent product presented by the head of the Geography Education department. "Every year Bappeda opens research, and we are very open to collaboration. So let's create good connectivity so that various outstanding products produced by universities can be applied in the field," said Sulistyo.

"I am very interested in presenting superior products from the Civic Education Study Program. In addition, I am interested in workshops for village officials. I hope that more village officials will have the opportunities to learn," said Loridati, teacher representative and leader of MGMP in Sleman.
"We are interested in the product of the Geography Education Department. I think it has close relation with our programs. That's why we want to collaborate with the Geography Lab, especially the nature lab. Kulon Progo has a diverse landscape that is suitable for community service programs."said Agus Setiawan, a representative of the Kulon Progo Bappeda.

These positive responses are evidence of the need for a study program to develop qualified products that can answer the various interests of UNY partners. By partnering with various partners, all can enjoy progress and become champions.

Sari, Tj.Lak