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Professional Teacher Program or PPG is a strategic government program that aimed to improve the quality of teachers. The quality of education is largely determined by the quality of the teacher. UNESCO finding on the quality of education from basic capabilities put Indonesia rank in the bottom 10 of 72 countries. This is a serious challenges despite of the fact that government has allocated more funds for education development.

To make sure that Professional Teacher Program will give a real impact, only those passing the test will get the opportunity to participate in this program.  After passing the online test, participants will be able to have face to face meeting, workshop, material comprehension and teaching practice. The participant need to prepare for computer test and knowledge exam. This is an accumulated test that will ensure the participant to have enough skill on teaching on both the teaching subject and pedagogic.

"PPG participants came from 7 provinces, namely DIY, Central Java, West Kalimantan, South Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and West Nusa Tenggara,"Suyud (Head of P4TKN UNY) said.

“The characteristics of the teacher as a profession are expertise in their respective fields, loved their profession, responsibility in work and work in the development of science through teacher professional organizations,” Sutrisna said on the batch 2 Professional Teacher Program Orientation. (Dedy)