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Friday (15/4/2016) was a special day for the members of the Indonesian Rector Forum (IRF), especially for those who belong to the IRF Consideration Council. It was because on that day IRF held two agendas simultaneously, which were the Meeting of the Consideration Council and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Judicial Commission of Indonesia. These two important events were held at the RKU room, Rectorate Building of Yogyakarta State University (YSU). Some of the important figures were Prof. Syawal Gultom, Prof. Suwarsih Madya, and Prof. I Nengah Duija.

On the IRF Consideration Meeting, the participants discussed the result of National Convention and the Annual Meeting of IRF that was held recently at YSU in January 2016. The result of the convention revolved around the national issues of Broad Guidelines of State Policy, Maritime issue, Industrial and Business world, and Character Education. The results of the convention were then submitted to the capital.

As the Chairman of IRF 2015 also as the Rector of YSU, Prof. Rochmat Wahab, M.Pd, M.A stated “IRF gave some suggestions and support for the sake of good governance. However, the support that IRF gave did not have political motive”. Accordingly, the recommendation and the suggestion of the IRF will be submitted to the relevant agencies, such as for the theme of Industrial and Business will be submitted to the Chamber of Commerce Indonesia, and the Indonesian Employers Association. On this agenda, the establishment of the work groups around Indonesia was also discussed.

The IRF Consideration Meeting also was continued by the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between IRF and Judicial Commission. Hopefully in the future, the cooperation between this two bodies would be beneficial.

At the same time, the representative from Indonesian’s Corruption Eradication Commission (CEC) was also present. This showed the effort of the CEC on the anti-corruption education to be taught in the university level. (Wulan)