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Mechanical Engineering Study Program (D3) Faculty of Engineering, UniversitasNegeri Yogyakarta obtained an “A” accreditation based on BAN-PT Decree No. 3283/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/Dipl-III/IX/2019. This accreditation is valid from 3 September 2019 to 3 September 2020.

Head of Mechanical Engineering Study Program, AanArdian, M.Pd., said that this achievement was the result of the hard work of everyone. "Thank God, thanks to the efforts, prayers, and support of everyone, including lecturers, employees, students, alumni and related parties. We have achieved this encouraging result, for that we are very grateful to all those who have been involved," he said.

Aan added that the accreditation A level was not only positive for students but also institutionally because it would give a positive image to the public of UNY.

"Because after all, the accreditation of a study program is like a spirit for an institution," he said.

Meanwhile, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering UNY, Dr. Ir. Widarto, M.Pd. added, the purpose and benefits of accreditation is to provide guarantees that accredited study programs meet the quality standards set by BAN-PT by referring to national education standards.

He continued that BAN-PT itself was the only accreditation body that obtained authority from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia in improving the quality of higher education.

"About the quality standards of higher education itself is, to encourage study programs to continuously make improvements and maintain high quality. So that the results of accreditation can be used as a basis for consideration in transferring college credit, providing assistance and allocation of funds, as well as recognition from other agencies or agencies, "he explained.

"This achievement can certainly increase our confidence that we are on the right track. However, this achievement also reminds all of us to continue to improve the quality of our study programs in the eyes of stakeholders, "concluded Widarto.(hryo)