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At present, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta has 102 study programs, and 72 of them have been accredited, while 39 of them have been internationally accredited for bachelor, master, and doctoral programs. “Early Childhood Education Study Program has significant role on building education basic in the society, both formal and non-formal. That’s why, we fully encourage further future development,” the Rector of UNY said on his welcoming speech on Online Field Assessment of Master Program in Early Childhood Education on 6th August 2020.

As UNY’s Rector, Sutrisna believed that the Early Childhood Education Study Program prepares the basics for future generations of the nation as teachers, especially in early childhood education. Quality education is also influenced by the quality of academics and graduates. So that the existence of both national and international accreditation will be very important, especially for the graduates produced. "We hope that the assessors can give good suggestions, because when we look internally it looks good, but when we look from the outside, we just know our shortcomings. So that we can improve the quality of education at UNY, especially for the Early Childhood Study Program, in order to meet growing standards as accountability to the community, "he said.

Field Assessment activities are held for 2 days up to (7/8), presenting a team of assessors from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT), Arita Marini and Ocih Setiasih, with an agenda of activities, including: verification of management forms, verification of study program forms and interviews . (rew, Tj.Lak)