Yogyakarta State University is ranked 187th of the world in the Formula Student World Ranking Lists from 551 universities throughout the world. Meanwhile, other Indonesian representatives such as ITS-Surabaya is rated 243 and UGM is at 260 as quoted from https://mazur-events.de/fs-world/C/.
To obtain this rating is based on the world of competition that has been followed in Japan. Formula Student is a competition level formula car manufacture of students organized by the Society of Automotive Engineering (SAE). Implementation of this competition in the various seasons are scattered in various countries such as USA, Canada, Germany, Austria and Australia.
Dr. Zainal Arifin, the car team leader revealed that overall YSU’s rating is down since last year as last year we are in the world ranking of 182. "Yes, YSU is down five rankings, this is the impact of the outcome of the race in Japan this year in which we achieve less than the maximum results. “There is a non-technical obstacles to the Formula Student race yesterday so we could not reach the target," he explained.
"However, these constraints have been evaluated with the team and will be a very useful learning materials for the preparation of next year's race," said Zainal.
"Next year we are targeting to rank better, yes we dream of the top 100 overall with a target of 500 points on the competition coming period," he concluded.
The ranking done by the Formula Student is taken from the total points obtained by the teams on participation in competitions in various countries. Points accumulated from the results of the competition last three years or 6 competition which has been followed in many countries.
The world ranking obtained from the total taken from three aspects such as season, actuality and competitiveness. (hryo)