
Strengthening Partnership Synergy with Industry
international-office Wed, 09/04/2024 - 12:40

Higher education needs to improve synergies with industry. This cannot be separated from the fact that the problems that arise in the industry are actually very numerous and can become research material. To build good and mutually beneficial synergies, it is necessary to change the mindset of lecturers so that they can understand the work culture of the industry and at the same time open up opportunities for lecturers to carry out activities in the industry. This interesting claim was delivered by Prof. Dr. Eng.

Improving the quality of education through Curriculum Review of the English Education Department with Professor Jeanette and Dr. Ibrar

The Faculty of Language, Arts, and Culture UNY began the process of reviewing the curriculum of the English Education Study Program at the Bachelor and Master levels with a strong emphasis on the needs of stakeholders and the World of Business and Industry (DUDI). The collaboration involved two experts, Professor Jeanette G. Dials, Ed.D. from Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU), Philippines, and Dr. Ibrar Bhatt from Queen's University Belfast, United Kingdom, to ensure the relevance and quality of graduates.