Achieving Sustainable Development Goals at UNY through Sports

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UNY organizes morning exercises every Friday. The gymnastics are attended by the academic community of UNY, including lecturers, education staff and students.

Gymnastics instructor Fitri from Hana Gymnastics School said that today's gymnastics began with the opening of Diabetic Gymnastics 3, followed by Aerobic Gymnastics.

"Diabetes Gymnastics 3 is a series of gymnastic movements designed specifically for diabetics," she said on Friday (15/12) in the courtyard of UNY Rectorate. These gymnastics consist of 10 movements that can help improve physical fitness, lower blood sugar, and prevent diabetes complications.

Aerobic exercise is a physical exercise that involves repetitive body movements and is done with high intensity. Aerobic exercise can increase heart rate and breathing, thus improving physical fitness and overall health. Ideally, aerobic exercise is done 3-5 times a week, each for 30 minutes. However, you can adjust the frequency and duration of exercise according to your health condition. 

After the exercise, breakfast is also provided for participants. The goal is that participants can get back in shape after nutritional intake through the food provided. According to Faculty of Sport and Health lecturer Prof. Soni Nopembri, the provision of breakfast after exercise is excellent because, in addition to familiarizing people, it also has an impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially on the second point 'No Hunger' and the third 'Good Health And Well-Being.' The SDGs are global and national commitments in an effort to improve society's welfare, including 17 global goals and targets for 2030 declared by both developed and developing countries at the UN General Assembly in September 2015 to achieve a better and more sustainable life for all people on this planet. 

Humas UNY