Discussion on Management of State-owned Property between YSU and University of Mulawarman

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"We charge only IDR 1 million for cleaning service, since normally students (tenants) hold an event on Saturday and Sunday, when the employees are off" Gunawan Ariyantapa, S. T. stated in his capacity as the Head of UHTP (Umum, Hukum, Tata Laksana dan Perlengkapan) of YSU. The statement was made during the discussion on Management of State-owned Property (SoP) between YSU and University of Mulawarman (UNMUL) , Samarinda on Friday (13/11/2015). Attended by approximately 13 representatives from UNMUL and 8 representatives of YSU, the discussion was emphasized on determing the fund for SoP maintenance to every faculty in YSU.

From his explanation, Gunawan revealed that the fund for maintenance of SoP obtained by each faculty is based on unit cost, not divided equally to every faculty. The unit cost is measured by identifying the maintenance cost per faculty and then divided with the total maintenance cost in the university. It was recorded that Faculty of Engineering gained the largest portion with almost 30 percent, given the faculty has much more SoP compared to other faculties, followed with the Faculty of Sport Science and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural sciences. An UNMUL representative expressed his interest to apply the same strategy to their university.

In addition, one representative of UNMUL also revealed his fascination over YSU area, which is already neat and free from street vendors. This is actually the result of cooperation between YSU and surrounding communities, specifically the residents of Karangmalang village, Sleman. One of the concrete forms of such cooperation is the establishment of Taman Kuliner Karangmalang (Karangmalang Culinary Centre) in the east of Institute of Educational Development and Quality Assurance, YSU. (Wulan)