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Athi' Nur Auliati Rahmah, a Physics Education student, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UNY, is an Alumni of the Teaching Campus Program Batch 1 of 2021. Athi' has completed her service at SDN Guluk-Guluk II, Guluk-Guluk District, Sumenep Regency, Madura, East Java. Her experience in teaching in Madura provides inspiration on how to promote quality education in remote areas. Not surprisingly, Athi' was invited as a speaker at the Kampus Merdeka Roadshow Episode 1 with Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya.

“The place where I serve is a remote village. Access to Guluk-Guluk passes through hillsides and bends full of trees like 'Jurrasic World' and 'asteroid road' with holes. Like the village community in general, the majority of the students come from farmer families. However, they are still enthusiastic about going to school. The pandemic did not reduce their enthusiasm for face-to-face learning by implementing health protocols," said Athi'

When students were asked, it turned out that they rarely did experiments. Based on this, Athi' who is a Physics Education student took the initiative to conduct a Simple Physics Experiment: Fireproof Balloon with her 6th graders at SDN Guluk-Guluk II. This experiment received a positive response from the students. They become more interested in studying science and want to do more experiments. "Tomorrow another experiment, ma'am," said one student.

Apart from interacting with students, Athi' also had other experiences with teachers. “I teach teachers in schools things that may be easy for us, but for educators in underdeveloped village schools it is complicated. Some capabilities such as creating and processing Google Forms, merging and shrinking PDF files have not been widely used. Even though it's simple, they are happy to get this knowledge," said Athi'.

As the closing of the event, she was surprised and proud that the video she had made was shown on YouTube live. The reason is, the video was made using the Madurese language. Thanks to the organizing committee, the video was subtitled into Indonesian.
