Graduation is an Important Part of Developing Competitive Human Resources

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Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta held a graduation ceremony for the June period, carried out online and offline at the Auditorium on Saturday, June 25, 2022. UNY held a graduation ceremony for 937 students during this period, with 342 students attending the auditorium and 595 participating online. Based on education degree, there are 28 graduates for the Doctoral Degree, 176 graduates for the Master Degree, 657 graduates for the Bachelor Degree, and 76 people for the Diploma Degree. In addition, there are 343 graduates with cum laude predicate as detailed as follows: 8 people from the Doctoral Program, 71 people from the Masters Program, 264 people from the Undergraduate Program.

UNY Rector, Prof. Sumaryanto, said that this graduation was different from the previous graduations due to the pandemic. By appreciating the wishes of graduates during this graduation period, there will be an increase in the number of representatives of graduates. According to the Rector, education is an investment in a nation's civilization because education can make a country strong and advanced. Every nation, including Indonesia, prepares various development strategies for its next-generation through quality education. This notion is in line with the Government's main priority, namely the development of quality Human Resources (HR) to be able to compete and innovate in their lives. Therefore, today's graduates have become essential in efforts to develop competent human resources in their respective fields/competencies. “We hope that the graduates can support various government policies/programs in the field of education. The learning process yesterday was not able to run normally, but we cannot ignore the quality,” said Sumaryanto.

The Rector said that UNY graduates who were prepared to become teacher candidates had four competencies mandated in the teacher and lecturer law, namely: academic, professional, personality, and social competencies. Regarding academic qualifications, graduates who have met the requirements to become teachers/educational staff plus the four competencies will become teachers/professional education personnel. Meanwhile, graduates from non-educational study programs are expected to have adaptive abilities and flexibility in the workplace. Workers with adaptive and flexible skills tend to have better well-being. As graduates in this era of rapid development of information and communication technology, graduates are also required to have the ability to use information and communication technology that characterizes the world of work in the digital era. Besides that, it can also strengthen itself by having other competencies outside the main competencies, which are additional abilities related to its potential. (

Dedy, Tj.Lak