Managing trash with the Smart Trash app

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The Piyungan integrated waste disposal site receives about 300 tons of daily waste every day. Based on the findings of the Environmental Office of the Special Region of Yogyakarta, each household produces around 0.7 to 1 kilogram of waste per day. Cumulatively, every day 100 garbage trucks dump garbage in Piyungan. Without proper management, this can trigger various health problems, damage to marine ecosystems, and air pollution. These problems have prompted Rendy Novianto, Aira Mayhesa and Zakkiatuz Zahrolazizah (D4 Marketing Study Program), Fadila Balqis Arifah (S1 Accounting Study Program), and Adha Estu Rizqi Susetya Radi (S1 English Literature Study Program) to develop an application to manage waste called Smart. Trash.

"SMART TRASH is designed not only to manage plastic waste but also to be an educational and interactive platform with an attractive design by applying user-friendly and up-to-date technology," said Rendy.

Users can use this application to sell and buy waste in various categories in plastic pellets, read articles about the environment, find the nearest environmental community, and a digital pocket accompanied by an easy-to-use chatbot. This application promotes waste management based on 3Rs (reuse, reduce, recycle) which can help empower local scavengers and collectors. Hopefully, by using this application, people can learn and manage their household waste properly.

Dedy, Tj.Lak