Teacher Workload and Professionalism

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The challenges in the teaching profession in Indonesia are quite large in the midst of the vortex of the industrial revolution and society 5.0, namely how teachers can prepare the golden generation for golden Indonesia 2045. On the other hand, the demographic bonus is in sight so that as a teacher, how educators can prepare their students, which determines whether this demography can be a bonus or even a burden. In this era of globalization, there are several competencies that must be possessed, among others, problem solving, creativity and even educators must also struggle with the development of digital technology to support learning. Educators must also carry out self directed learning and multi source learning and make lifelong learning not only for students but also for teachers who never stop learning.  This was said by Dr. Drs. Rachmadi Widdiharto, M.A. in a seminar on 'Workload and Teacher Professionalism' in the Ballroom of IKA UNY Alumni Building, 2nd floor, Saturday (29/6). The Director of Basic Education Teachers at the Ministry of Education and Culture said that the teaching profession is not easy and requires high competence. So that the task of saving teacher education must be more organized with existing regulations by leading to collaboration and synergy of mutual participation of government, industry, society and related stakeholders.

"This seminar was held with the aim of dissecting what is happening in the field of teaching through the perspective of the ministry and teacher organizations which hopefully can inspire participants in realizing their profession as a teacher and answer questions related to the teaching profession or programs that have been offered by the government" said Vice Rector for Academic and Student Affairs of UNY, Prof. Soni Nopembri, Ph.D..

"Teacher certification must be adjusted for old and young teachers, because their abilities are also different. Old teachers have not been exposed to the use of technology in their time so this needs to be adjusted" said the Head of the Education Financing Service Center of the Ministry of Research and Technology, Adhika Ganendra, S.Si., M.M.

The Secretary General of the PGRI Executive Board for the 2019-2024 period, Dudung Abdul Qadir, M.Pd. conveyed that the discussion focused on continuous professional development for teachers, challenges and opportunities from the teacher organization side. Dudung hopes that the government is willing to include the Indonesian Teachers Association in making policies, regulations or programs related to the teaching profession as a representation of a group of educators in order to realize the continuity of expectations and reality for educators in Indonesia.

Bela Juliana
Dedy, Tj.Lak